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Hello Beautiful,

I would like to share with you my 10 skin care tips for sensitive skin. I hope they bring you happy, soothing, and healthy looking results in your skin. I have been using these methods for over 20 years with good success and I hope you find them helpful too. But before we get started let’s get to the nitty-gritty.

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  Since you’re reading this post it is safe to assume that you or someone close to you have sensitive skin and you are looking for ways to possibly manage and perhaps discover more ways to soothe your skin.

I would first like to congratulate you on having sensitive skin, even though some describe sensitive skin as a condition it is actually a type of skin and not a condition.

It is a gift that will help you keep your skin healthy and young longer. WHY?  Because you are acutely aware of how products and ingredients are affecting your skin.   Most people do not have that luxury.

Other skin types are not so acutely aware of their skin sensitivities since the products do not seem to bother them or at least not enough to notice. It may take years before they realize they may be damaging or neglecting their skin.


Think of it this way,

Pretend you are heat sensitive. As a heat sensitive person, you will notice the slightest change in the weather especially when it gets hotter even by one degree much faster than someone who is not sensitive to heat.

More then likely the non-heat sensitive person will not even notice the difference in the temperature change until it raises by 5-10 degrees. 


Yeah, It is kind of like that

That’s kind of what it is like to have sensitive skin BUT if you keep using a product that doesn’t agree with you, your symptoms can range anywhere from burning sensation, to a rash, scarring or worse. It can even turn into an expensive dermatologist visit(s).

If you do not have sensitive skin feel free to try any of these suggestions to see if they work for you too. Although you may want to moisten your skin longer since pores seem to be more resilient to absorption.

It is always best to consult with your dermatologist or esthetician. So without further disruptions let ‘s get started with my top 10 skin care tips for sensitive skin.

1.)  Not  all Sensitive Skin Reacts The Same.

I know it is hard to believe, but it is true not everyone has the same type of sensitive skin. So even though you may be allergic to certain chemicals, properties, and what-not, the rest of your family or friends may have a completely different experience.


Sounds crazy but I know this to be true in my own family. Although my mother, sister and myself all have sensitive skin what works for one of us does not always work for two of us much less all three of us.


When skin care or cosmetic lines does work for all three of us, I know it is a very special company, product, ingredients or formula. A true gem to cherish.

2.) Grape Seed Oil

I found this little gold nugget of a money and skin saver in the mid-1990’s when I tried modeling as a part-time gig for extra school money (art major-supplies were expensive, what can I say).


I picked up a little 3-day job at the long beach hair show; it is a convention held every year for hairdressers and others in the beauty business. This particular company made steaming tools to make hair curlier. They participating at the at the convention to raise product awareness.


It was a great product; I really enjoyed the experience, the people I worked with and other people at the convention that I met. However, the makeup artist wasn’t very clean, and all ten of us ended up with a skin infection that covered our ENTIRE FACE from the dirty makeup brushes from the makeup artist.


I found out through my agent that one gal spent $600 for a dermatologist to treat the issue. The infection was painful, and a sight to sees. I was in a mess with my skin, and I didn’t have that kind of money, that was $50 more than my rent on my two bedroom apartment at that time.


Here I am trying to make extra money to pay for school supplies and I am looking at a big fat BILL of $600 for an infection from a dirty makeup artist. It was a HUGE defeat and a half.


I started looking through my nutrition, health and herbal books and found that grape seed oil was a possible solution. Since it contained Anti-antioxidants, Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-cancerous properties, fatty acids and vitamin E according to NCBI.


How To Section

Welcome to the “How To” section of my 10 Skin Care Tips for Sensitive Skin. You will notice below toggles with + and symbols please use these to expand and contract the How To’s on using grapeseed oil as part of your skin care routine.


How to used Grape Seed oil for Minor Skin Infection

You should always seek medical attention first when you have an infection or any other injury.

The following is based on my experience and a personal decision I made for myself because I felt the infection was minor and at the beginning stage. This is NOT medical advice.

To heal my face of a skin infection from an unprofessional makeup artist’s dirty brushes.

  1. I gently dabbed grapeseed oil on my face with freshly moistened with warm water.
  2. Then I applied a thin layer of grapeseed oil with a warm moistened cotton ball.
  3. I let the grapeseed oil absorb in my skin for about 5 minutes.
  4. Then I removed the oil by splashing my face with warm water repeatedly until my face felt fresh.
  5. I repeated this process every time my face started.

It did the trick and healed up my skin and cost me only a few dollars.  

How To use Grape Seed Oil to Remove Foundation
I later learned it was also a great way to remove makeup, especially beeswax based foundations.

  1. This is done by moistening your face with warm water then apply a thin layer of grapeseed oil with your fingertips.
  2. Wait 2-3 minutes then rinse off.
  3. Keep repeating the process until all makeup and foundation is removed.
  4. Then start your normal face cleansing process.
How To use Grape Seed Oil to Remove Eye Makeup
  1. To gently remove eye makeup use a warm moistened cotton ball with a dab of grapeseed oil to glide grape over each eyelid top and bottom.
  2. Wait about a minute or two then gently sweep a moistened with warm water cotton ball across each eyelid to remove makeup and oil.
  3. Continue this process until all eye makeup is removed.Do not rub eyes or skin this may cause early wrinkles to the delicate skin around the eye area.
  4. After makeup is fully removed you may start your normal skincare routine.

It is a slower process compared to other traditional methods but the benefits are worth it.  


Final Thoughts on Grape Seed Oil

I cannot say enough great things about grapeseed oil as part of a skincare routine.   It is a lightweight oil, that adsorbed easily into the skin at least for sensitive skin, has Anti-antioxidants, Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-cancerous properties and other goodies like fatty acids and vitamin E.   Best of all its inexpensive.

3.) Clinique is Awesome for Sensitive Skin

There is a reason why Clinique keeps coming back around, and it is because their products work, they are considered a clean brand, great for sensitive skin and priced fairly.


My skin tends to run on the very dry side. I tried the suggested samples from the counter lady for a week with great results. The results were calmer, softer, smoother skin with good retained of the product on my skin throughout the day after.


It is suggested that you can ask for a skin assessment, then try some of the suggested product samples before you buy to make sure you are not allergic.

4.) Face Cleansers from Health Food Stores

Most of the facial cleansers at the health food store should be safe.   However, with sensitive and dry skin I would stick to milk and cream-based cleansers and moisturizers, they are more nourishing and gentle on sensitive skins types.


Foaming cleansers can be even more drying to sensitive and dry skin. However, Aveeno and Dove brands are the exception to the rule.

5.) Apple Cider Vinegar Skin Toner

It is true apple cider is a good skin toner mixed with sesame seed or grape seed oil is even better.   In a clean spray bottle add:

  •  ½ of 1 part Braggs apple cider 
  • ½ of 1 part sesame seed oil or grape seed oil 
  • Three parts water. 

Shake and spray on clean face, hands and body.

If you find the formula is either too strong or too weak, you can add more water or more equal parts of apple cider vinegar and sesame or grape seed oil until you find the right combination for your skin type.

6.) Rose Tea Skin Toner Is My Preference

Rose tea skin toner is, in my opinion, the king in natural facial toners for sensitive skin.  It is excellent at nourishing and calming the skin, closing the pores and tightening skin.

  • Make sure your skin is clean before use.
  • To make the toner simply make a cup of rose tea using one dried Siberian rose.
  • Wait until the tea is room temperature before use.
  • Dab freshly washed face that is still slightly damp with a cotton ball saturated with rose tea, can also use a spray bottle.

The Awesome thing is while you are waiting for your rose toner to cool you can add more hot water and drink the rest of the rose tea, reaping the health benefits. You probably will notice that your skin feel softer from drinking the rose tea.


Roses are high in vitamin C and believed to strengthen the nervous system, relaxing the body and helping you fall asleep. It is a nice relaxing experience and smells nice too.


DO NOT drink rose tea cold because of the rose oil will cause choking, warmer to hot is best for drinking.



How to Make a Rose Tea Bath

  • Another idea which I love to do is taking a rose tea bath.
  • Just run that bath then add 2-5 cups of rose tea (made with 5 Siberian dried roses) to the tub.
  • Clean tub thoroughly after rose water bath to avoid slipping in the tub later from the rose oil residue.  

Helps relax the whole body, soften and tighten your skin, minimizes pores and SMELLS amazing too.

7.) Chamomile Tea Skin Toner

Chamomile Tea is also an excellent skin toner that is calming to the skin. Chamomile tea toner the made the same way as Rose tea toner.


Except use extra water and do not let the tea sit too long in hot water. I find it brews stronger and faster than the rose tea.


It works well, calms the skin although I do prefer rose water.

8.) Milk-Based Face Creams & Lotions

Hey there, I touched on this a bit above, but it is worth mentioning again. Milk and cream (oil) based face cleansers and moisturizers are way better for sensitive and dry skin.


Bubbly cleansers mentally feel cleaner because we are programmed to think that way from a young age.


However, they are very drying to sensitive skin except for Dove soap. Dove is an awesome hand soap, and facial cleanser Use this if you prefer a little sudsy in your cleanser.

9.) Crème Honey is an Excellent Face Mask

Clean creamy honey is usually found in Trader Joe’s, Sprouts market, and Amazon.

Do not use the amber liquid type it is usually processed and has lost its nutrients. I suggest the light creamy kind since it is usually unprocessed and makes a really nice face mask for sensitive skin.


Simply warm your face with a warm wet washcloth and let sit for about 5 minutes or so to open pores, or longer if you feel you need to


Then take a dab of creamed honey and warm-up in your moistened with warm water hands before gently applying to your moistened face in a gentle stroke motion avoiding eye area.




I find with my sensitive skin I have to moisten my hands and face with water in order to gently glide products on and to help the products absorb easily into my skin.



Let sit for a few moments (you’ll know by the way your skin feels)  then get another warm wet washcloth and set on the face for a minute or so then gently remove honey.

The honey will soothe, cleanse and nurture your skin. Your skill will absorb nutrients in the honey.

How long you spend on each step is individual and you’ll figure it out based on how your skin feels while performing the steps.

10.) Oatmeal

Ok, this one is very important especially if you also suffer from eczema.


FOR FACE: Preparing oatmeal from steel rolled oats is preferred. Simmer for an hour or so on the stove top. Let cool until its comfortable for your face then apply after thinning down to a comfortable past. Only need it on for a couple of minutes or else t can feel drying.




Aveeno is a great alternative to homemade steel rolled oats.



FOR BATHING: Discovering oatmeal baths and the using oatmeal water as a face wash is one the best things I have ever done for my skin.


Oatmeal is gentle, full of vitamins and minerals and was a lifesaver when I had eczema.


Eczema is very uncomfortable, and uncontrollably itchy and you will probably scratch until bleeding oatmeal baths are both soothing and healing.


It not only soothes the skin but helps soften, heals and repairs the skin.      The key to taking an oatmeal bath is to NOT use soap or any other detergent on your skin or in the bath.


The oatmeal bath lifts the dirt and grime out of your skin replacing it with natural moisturizers along with minerals and vitamins. You do not need to soap when taking an oatmeal bath.


The other key to success in using this technique is to only pat yourself dry with a clean, soft towel when you get out of the tub.


I find that splashing my face with warm oatmeal water works well on the face as a cleanser and mask when I am having a problem with my usual facial cleansers.

EXTRA SPECIAL TIDBIT: Silica homeopathic pills also helped me restore the silica in my skin that my body was losing from stress. Lack of silica and eczema appear to go hand in hand, restoring silica was very helpful to me when I had eczemaI still use homeopathic silica when I feel an eczema flare up coming on. 



How to Make an Oatmeal Bath

  • Place a cup of dried oats in a square piece of cheesecloth tie shut to keep the oats from escaping and clogging the tub.
  • Drop into the bathtub while the bath is filling up to infuse into the water.
  • Try and submerge as much of your body from neck down then relax in the tub for 20 minutes. 
  •  After your 20 minute soak,  gently pat dry with clean towel.

I hope the tips above are helpful to you. Personally, I have found them to be a lifesaver in the past. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please leave a comment.


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10 Skin Care Tips For Sensitive Skin
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