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Cheers Lovely!


I just want to say I love my results from skin needling! Oh, wait I have gotten ahead of my self.

Let me introduce myself first to those whom I have not met me yet. 🙂


I am Elizabeth from Goldhardtpm.com, and I’ve been doing permanent makeup and skin needling for over ten years and was a tattooist for about three years prior.

That’s a total of 13 years of dealing with skin.


I started doing skin needling after I had my dermal implants removed. Ok, that’s an unintentional lie. Actually what happened was my dermal implants kept rejecting and after the third try I decided that the dermal implant must need a longer base to hold them in place under the skin better.

Silly me…, what it actually did was left a huge indented scar.

Three scars actually.


One to represent each of the three dermals’ on the side of my face between my eyebrows and upper cheek. My body kept rejecting them. Them. Apparently, my skin doesn’t like surgical steel.

I found out about skin needling from my permanent makeup mentor. After just one session I noticed a huge difference already. The scar was less indented. It broke up the scar tissue nicely so the wound had a chance to re-heal properly. I think the benefits of skin needling are amazing.

Although the suggested sessions are four I was not able to have more than two completed because I moved 8 hours away. Even so, I was blown away with the results.

The scaring was 60% percent better. I loved the results so much that I went through the process of becoming certified to do skin needling in Orange County.


So How Else Is Skin Needling Useful?


Well, it awesome for a few things:


  • Breaking down scar tissue, by breaking down the scar tissue we release the trapped fibroblasts and collagen allowing the skin to re-heal correctly. By breaking down more restrictive scars with skin needling (thicker scar tissue), it can loosen scar tissue, allowing the patient to experience a much larger range of movement especially around the joints, neck, mouth and other areas of the body.
  • This procedure has been exceptionally successful when performed on scaring from burns. Burn victims may experience difficulty in the simplest movements because the scar tissue doesn’t allow the skin to move freely. Skin needling is very helpful in breaking that down and helping the patient to regain movement again. Stem cell therapy works excellent too but I have a feeling there is some form of skin needling or other alternatives to breaking the skin in order to help the skin heal correctly.
  • If you know more about stem cell skin therapy or other methods please share in the comments area. I love learning and I feel it is helpful to hear and learn from each other’s experience.
  • Smoothing out acne scars. Acne scars can be resurfaced with skin needling (never on active acne.) The brain recognizes the needle pricks as a sign of trauma and responds by generation more collagen to the target area. Also great for plumping up wrinkles & inverted scars.
  • Getting rid of age spots, freckles, and other skin damage from the sun when used in combination with copper peptides.
  • Great for anti-aging – otherwise know, as “collagen induction therapy” and amazing at smoothing out fine and deep lines.
  • Hypo-pigmented skin – also known as, melanocyte restoration – a technique that uses light (gentle) needling on the skin to stimulate the melanocyte cells – the stuff that gives us color in our skin, the needling, in turn, produces melanin when exposed to sunlight, perfect for restoring spots were skin pigment has been lost. Although becare not to burn while in the sun. I live in SoCal, so we have a way to much sun and burning your skin is also not desired. So maybe 15 minutes of sunlight or less per day for the first three days.
  • Fake keloids – look like keloid but are only a raised scar from a wound healing poorly and getting collagen trapped in between the connective tissues, fibroid blasts. True Keloids would keep growing larger. If you are prone to keloids, do not have skin needling done because it could cause more keloids. People prone to keloids know. Its pretty cut and dry.

Seriously? UH… YES!!

Needling is excellent for working on to resurface deep scars, light scars, anti-aging (light and deep wrinkles), hyper or hypo-pigmented skin is also very effective.


How does it work?

Skin needling works by signaling the brain of light damage created by gently braising the needles across the dermal layer of the skin. The brain then signals the body to fill the newly damaged area with youth producing collagen.


Deeper Scars

Deeper scars required a little more working of the area of the scar with the needles to break down the incorrectly healed connective tissue. By breaking up the scar tissue the body gets to eliminate the damaged skin and release the trapped fibroblasts and collagen.

The needs help to break down these types of scars. The body cannot break down these scars on there own. With the old scar beginning to break down the body now has a chance to correctly heal the area allowing the skin to become smooth and flexible again.


How Many Sessions?

Three – Four sessions are the usual recommendations for skin needling. Some people may need more or less depending on the severity of the damage to the skin, as well as, the response to the treatment.

I prefer to use copper peptides when performing skin needling treatments I find they work wonders and help with healing time and increase the desired result.


I really like what I do for a living, and feel like I am helping people solve a problem.


I hope if you have an issue with scarring or are looking for an alternative to a skin peel or other more abrasive measure that you will find me or someone like me and see if this is a good option for you.


I am really happy with my personal skin needling results although I can see I really should have the next two sessions done it’s been eight years since my last session, and even though it is amazingly better, it really should have had the other two sessions for best results, then the scar would be completely gone, I should also have skin camo done .


Yes, I could do it myself because we I know how. But I have to admit it is really weird to needle your own skin, especially on your face. It is truly weird I tried but Its hard, because you are so worried about it hurting that you can’t get it done in a timely manner.


At least when I work on someone else I can gauge how they are feeling or they tell me and we can add more topical numbing serum. On myself, it is just a mental block and takes ages to finish plus its in a spot that’s hard to see.


I need to touch up my eyebrows too but again doing it myself is a whole other weird thing. Not the same as putting on makeup need a mag light and to be able to really see what you are doing. 🙂



Back to my dermal scars…

I have also had really good results using copper peptide after my first two sessions, and it has increased my results even further. It did take much longer on their own but it also definitely a more affordable worthwhile look if you are looking to save money against time.


Skin needling is much, much faster to gain desirable results but copper peptides on their own for scaring and anti-aging works very well, but just a little longer to see results compared to skin needling. You can read more about copper peptides in my “10 beauty tips for sensitive skin” article. These are the same copper peptides that I use in my practice.


Well, I hope my experience has helped you find more options in finding a suitable alternative to healing your skin and fixing a problem.


I would love your feedback because I want to know what I can do to help you solve a problem, so if you have any permanent makeup, skin needling or copper peptide questions, please ask because I truly want to know. I look forward to getting to know you better!!




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How I Got Rid of My Dermal Piercing Scars
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