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7 Things You Should Know If You Are Thinking of Getting Dermal Fillers

The battle against wrinkles and other signs of aging has never been so easy to win, and it is all thanks to the rich choice of top-quality dermal fillers that are available today.

These advanced skin rejuvenation products offer patients various advantages, especially when compared to plastic surgery or other anti-aging treatment options.

Zero downtime, great affordability, quick and simple treatment procedure…

You can even remove acne scars and other imperfections.

Even the firmest opponents of invasive skin rejuvenation solutions such as laser therapies and chemical peelings cannot deny the many advantages that this form of anti-aging treatment can offer to patients.

Nevertheless, if you too are tempted to try it out, it is advisable to learn all the facts and details about these new-generation products in advance.

There are 7 key things you should know if you are thinking of getting dermal fillers:

1. Effects are temporary
2. They are not the same thing as botulinum injections
3. They are also not the same thing as mesotherapy injections
4. There are many types of fillers
5. Results are determined by various factors
6. Not suitable for some patients
7. Treatment effects are reversible

Familiarizing yourself with these facts in detail will enable you to decide if this form of effective cosmetic rejuvenation treatment will be a suitable option for you.

1. They offer temporary results.

Professional-grade skin fillers will not change your appearance forever. The majority of them deliver visible anti-aging results that range between 6 and 18 months.

That is because they are made from biodegradable ingredients that dissolve in the skin in a very gradual manner. Therefore, if you want to retain the results of the treatment, you need to undergo maintenance injections every few months.

2. Fillers and Botox injections are two different things.

Many people mistake quality soft-tissue fillers for botulinum injections such as Botox or Dysport. But these are two different product categories. Botox-like injectables contain a neurotoxin which, when injected into the treatment area, can prevent neurons from sending signals to the muscles.

In other words, they paralyze the muscles and, by doing so, they visibly reduce the appearance of wrinkles in facial zones such as the forehead, for instance.

Trusted filler injections, on the other hand, contain ingredients which are usually naturally present in the human body (HA and CaHA to name a couple) which add volume under the skin and fill depressions, lines, and wrinkles on different parts of the face or the body immediately.

Table: Differences between soft-tissue fillers and Botox-like injections

Dermal Fillers

Botulinum Injections


Removal of lines, wrinkles, and folds on the face, neck, decollete, rejuvenation of hands, augmentation of lips, cheeks, chin, nose, etc., restoration of lost facial volume, contouring of the face, elimination of eye bags, dark circles and more.

Correction of frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead lines, lifting and shaping of brows


Between 6-18 months on the average (sometimes even more).

3-4 months

Main ingredients

Biodegradable injectable gel/implant – Hyaluronic Acid, Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Polylactic Acid, Polyalkylimide, Polymethyl-methacrylate microspheres, and others.

Purified neurotoxin – Botulinum Toxin


Adds volume and fullness under the skin. Some types can also hydrate the dermis.
Paralyzes muscles in the treatment area.

3. The same goes for fillers and mesotherapy injections.

Although there are some well-recommended mesotherapy brands like Dermaheal have developed products that contain Hyaluronic Acid – an ingredient found in most FDA-approved skin fillers – they offer a slightly different type of cosmetic rejuvenation treatment.

Even the most outstanding mesotherapy injections will not be able to provide you with instant results or to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and folds the way a patient-friendly HA filler can.

4. They are various types of them 

While Juvederm and Restylane are considered to be the two most popular HA-based fillers at the moment, there are many other brands in this product niche.

They are each produced by different pharmaceutical companies and have a special formula that can contain not only traditional filler gel substances such as Hyaluronic Acid or Polylactic Acid but also antioxidants, minerals, vitamins or even peptides as it is the case with Aquashine, for example.

These excellent anti-aging injectables also differ when it comes to their gel concentration which is why their effects have different longevity. The quality they deliver and their price tag can also range.

Another must-know fact about these products is that they usually target a very specific class of signs of aging or treatment sites such as nasolabial folds or only the midface. 

5. Treatment effects depend not only the choice of filler  

You can rely on a premium-quality skin filler such as Zishel Rose Forte but if the treatment is not performed by a qualified and board-certified plastic surgeon, you may not enjoy the effects which you have hoped to get.

If you have a strong metabolism, the gel may biodegrade at a faster rate than the usual. So, ultimately, results after such an anti-aging treatment vary from patient to patient.

6. They are not for everyone

Dependable lip injections and soft-tissue fillers do not lead to any serious side effects. In fact, unwanted results are rare and rather mild (redness, sensitivity, itching, bruising, swelling).

And yet, if you are hypersensitive or allergic to one of their ingredients or if you are suffering from infection or inflammation around the site of injection, you should not undergo such therapy.

Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding are also unsuitable candidates for dermal fillers.

7. Results can be reversed

One of the most common concerns of skin filler patients is that they will not like their new look.

Overfilling following an anti-wrinkle treatment with HA injections is rarely observed these days but if for some reason, you are not entirely happy with your upgraded appearance, you can ask your cosmetic surgeon to reverse it.

They will then inject you with a quick hyaluronidase injection. Even semi-permanent filler implants can be removed through a minimally invasive procedure.

This and the fact that long-lasting anti-wrinkle fillers are incredibly safe to use means that you have little to worry about.

Video on A Dermal Filler Explained

About Dr. Carson Simmons, MD

Dr. Carson Simmons, MD, has been a licensed Aesthetician for over 7 years. As of 2013, he has also been a Board Certified Surgeon. He received his education and degree at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine and is well-known for his many papers on facial contouring and facial augmentation. Dr. Simmons has also used his extensive experience in this medical field to write two best-selling books that examine the connection between skin aging and nutrition. 


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